Monday, October 7, 2013

Government Shutdown = No Smithsonian!

Hi everyone.

This week's blog was suppose to be on the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Ceneter (aka. the Air and Space Museum by Dulles International Airport in Virginia). But since I was planning on heading out there Thursday and the government shut down Tuesday, that obviously didn't work. No problem, I thought, there are plenty of other museums I can check out in the Northern Virginia area, since I didn't have time to go into DC this week.

So I did a quick Goggle search (as you do), for museums in Northern Virginia. It turns out that many of the museums in Northern VA are either part of National Parks or don't really fit with the direction I want to go in right now. The one exception is Mount Vernon (owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies Association); I really want to save this one until December, when the house and grounds will be all decked out for Christmas.

Other search results included many of the Richmond museums, which are fabulous. However, if I don't have time to get into DC to the Corcoran Gallery or the Phillips Collection, I definitely can't get down to Richmond (although be on the lookout for a Richmond post in the near-future).

 So instead, this week is going to be short and sweet. 

I did hear this funny story about how the Park Service tried to shut down Mount Vernon and even managed to barricade the parking lots before someone told them that it was actually privately owned and funded. Whoops, apparently some rangers don't know about the Mount Vernon Ladies Association. Silly Rangers.

At least everyone can still visit George!

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